Wednesday, 21 April 2010

IGOR IS GAAAAAYYYYY XD... mentioned ya ;o

INJECTION DAY D: ... ouchies my arm aches. Spent ages in the queue which was verrrry boring as I don't really talk to girls and for some strange reason the NHS doesn't seem to care if boys get cervical cancer :S Anyway, I had a choice of the man doing the injection or a lady and I felt bad for the man because I thought most people would choose a Lady over him so went to him and actually I had the least blood this time out of all of them! XD (Practically Nil)
The injection I can handle, it's the lasting pain in the muscle that annoys me, but tis worth it to not get cervical cancer I guess ;o
Hate how so many girls overreact when they go to get their injection, especially as it's the third time now: You do realise you didn't die the first time right ?... The over dramatics of crying and falling to the floor just looks like you're begging for attention and tbh I don't buy what you're selling! XD
HISTORY was AWESOME like usual with Mr Epic Parker :)
(Slightly annoyed that so many lazy people didn't do the homework when I had managed to during the holidays even though it's not like I wanted to, some people just want to do well :D)
Sad to say that my friend Elliot went home ill :( That was the worst part of the day and I hope he is back in ship shape ASAP. (L)
Stayed for revision with Mrs Dunn and that was rather interesting and slightly awkward with Igor making me do all the talking :@ :P
Finally got a lift home off my brother after waiting for ages on the GRREEEENN grass with Igorius, having a picnic :)
Really looking forward to going to my girly cell tonight :D I love the lot of them and I find such pleasure in studying the bible with their faces :) In all cerialness it really is practically the most fun I have all week, except I also love the services on Sundays :D Anything to do with talking about my wondrous Father and I'm made!
I look forward to cell and also hope that tomorrow will be another fun interesting day for me :)

Psalm 100:1-3- Shout for joy to the LORD, all the Earth worship the LORD with gladness; Come before HIM with joyful songs. Know the LORD is GOD.


  1. The picnic would have been better if we had food :P and if Martha wasn't so drunk :/

  2. It was the worst part of my day too :P Thank you for being so caring ;') And I hope you had epic funs at cell

  3. It was only me, Fi, Zoe and Haddy at church so it was a small cell but yes it was very epic fun thankenyou :)

  4. I miss history lessons with Mr Parker waving his arms about and being enthustic :P
