Monday, 19 April 2010

First Blog: A Small Step For Mankind; A Huge Step For Esther XD

Today has been rather terrible as it is the last day of the holidays so I guess it's inevitable. Haven't done much at all except stress over school tomorrow and all the revision I've just realised I should be doing. Lots to look forward to obviously: exams exams exams :( :P
Found out my mum's operation is same day as my drama exam so rather bummed she won't be there to see it :/
Stressed to high heaven and praying that God will give me the strength to keep on trooping over the next school term :) Can't do it in my own strength can I? ;)
Lucky to have such an awesome Heavenly Father I reckon.
Keep reminding myself that in the whole scope of things my life is not as important as it may feel to me and that even if I were to fail my GCSEs, it would still go on.
Gotta have some optimism but I feel like my whole household is tense with everyone going through something different so it's best not to leave my room.
Wish I had more to do and distractions to keep my mind off of things, but at least it's nearly sleep time.
I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day... :)


  1. Of course it will be better :) :P

  2. I'm here if you need me hunni xx

  3. Don't worry my friend, look forward to the future with optimism at the new sun rising on the horizon; great new things and happy times ahead. No matter how dark it is now there is always light infront of you to look forward to. Just remember that the future's bright; the future's greeeeeeen :) Let the light of the lord guide you and nothing shall harm you. Never forget that he has given you many loving friends to help you through these challenging times and that they are always there for you. Feel love <3
