Saturday, 18 September 2010

College, Acola and the ministry weekend :D

I keep forgetting I have a blog :P that's why I never update (apart from like, now) :D Anyhoo...
I'm rather exhausted today because I had to be up in time to get to church for 9:30 for a bacon sandwich which was surprisingly nice cos I usually don't eat bread from a loaf and also don't usually eat breakfast at all :/ :P
I quite enjoyed the service today though with Rob and Marion White, the youth band were awesome! :D Also, I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit which brought me to tears but in a good way I guess :)
Enjoyed hanging out with people in-between the talks too :D

Haven't blogged since starting at Prior- Got to say that I am enjoying it a lot more than school and a lot more than I expected to so that is good. A bit worried about my Acola consumption though cos now we go into town for dinner and I buy it like every day XD Not good for the teeth! (Or the mental health of a Tilda)
So far I'm keeping up in Chemistry which I didn't expect, slightly flummoxed by biology but I shall go to a workshop to try and catch up (though I don't think anyone else is keeping up either really :P). Philosophy and Ethics is a bit mind boggling because the theories we are talking about just seem so far-fetched to my mind :| Not looking forward to writing an essay next lesson, don't feel too prepared for that! - And maths is still maths :) Haven't really expanded on anything from GCSE yet so it's still quite plain sailing :D
I should probably talk to more new people but I'm too shy :/ :P So I will try harder but tis quite scary D: XD
Gots a headache :/ so that's me done... Looking forward to church tomorrow :D
Green out! ^^

Thursday, 22 July 2010

It Has Been Too Long...

It has been rather a long time since I last updated my blog and I am slightly dissapointed with my lack of commitment to update it :/ So I guilt tripped myself in to writing a new post :P :D
Since I last updated I have finished schoooooooooooooool :D ...and subsequently have been very bored :/ But happy most of the time XD
I helped out with assemblies for Naomi and went round all the local primary schools which was actually lots more fun than I thought it would be, (minus the getting up early and the planning for the assembly) but watching the little kids engrossed in what we had to say about God was awesome XD Listening to them singing the songs was cute as well, and I was tempted to steal some of the smallest ones! :D ][
I've also been going to the 'Can I believe?' course at church on wednesdays and have learnt that, yes, I can beliieeeevvveeee XD :P So learnt nothing really tehe :) But it was good to hang out with my homies and eat food anyhooooo!! :D
Another exciting development since I last blogged was my park being built in the Posh Side just in front of the woods XD That has brought me some entertainment and I look forward to it being completed so I can go on the zip wiireeee ^^
Just had my cousins from Carlisle round to stay at my house for a few days and that was a lot of fun, especially the shopping :D:D:D:D and the runaway horse on Saltburn beach :P
They are now gone and I'm all alone :/ ...was actually slightly strange not having Evie sleeping on my floor last night and me didneee like ittt :(
Yet, ho. There is good newssss cos me is gettering a new bicycle, (not that I had one before, except the one from years ago that I spent all my Christmas money on, just to have my brothers break within a few days of having it :@) so me is tres excited about that, even though the bicycle isn't green, (sigh) because they didn't have any in the shop except a male kids one :/ They just don't cater for the Esther Market I guess :/ Anyhoo, me gots a nice pink one, and My mum is collecting it today cos they have been making it over night and me is BUZZING!! cos me hasn't owned a bike in so long, and me has a matching pink helmet tehe :D:D (not that I will wear that too often XD)
As holiday club is next week, I'm off today to go and plan for my part in it. (fun :|) Then later today I endeavour to gallivant about New Marske on me new Bicycleeeee :)
That's about it Folks :)
Love you <3>
(Love Green More) <3>

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Today Was A Bella Day Than Yesterday XD

Yesterday my stress levels were at the highest they have been for a while due to stress of my drama exam on the 6th May-----> FAIL!
Today redeemed the fail however and aside from the headache and bad neck, I'm feeling gooooodddd :)
Got some productive work done at school (yes, on a Saturday) for my drama exam which has slightly lowered my worry levels. I no longer feel sick thinking about it however I'm still papping it!! D:
Watched The Pursuit of Happyness with my Mum this afternoon which was quite sad but awesome acting on Will Smith's part and the little kid was so awesome and sweet ^^
After the film I began the transformation from Esther Uden (lowly Bydales Student who loves green) in to Bella Swan (clumsy fictional character who loves Edward Cullen and green; not so much :/)
Went to Fi and Luke's dress up party and must say that Fi, Luke, Hannah and Joel looked the best ;o
Had a good time there, just got back and still in costume/ normal clothes that Bella Swan might wear :P ... Gunna mooch out with My Igor for a while for the fun of it XD
Oh yeh also made FAIL mistake of putting 14 on both Fi and Luke's cards when they are 15 but sneakily edited it back so no one will ever know... muahahahaaaa!
Lets hope tomorrow is a good day and brings lots of happyness ;o
laters loserrrrsssss XD

Thursday, 22 April 2010

An Acola Day :)

Had acola in school today (hence the title) so I thought that might be a good representation for the rather awesome day I had today...
I had little work to do in Music XD
Got to pour water in Igor's pockets at dinner timmmeee :D
Physics was epic easy and just messed around with my Igor mainlllyyy!
Then maths was kinda pip squeak ^^
Only annoying thing was that we were supposed to be having a drama rehearsal after school which only Hannah turned up to and everyone else decided to bail on for other commitments without telling anyone else :/ Meant I had missed the bus and had to wait outside for me Mum to come gets me :P Wasn't that bad though I spose XD
Got in a wrote my Personal Statement which in a nutshell said: "I am Esther Uden, I am Epic Awesomeness XD"... Igor can back me up on this :P
Just had fish&chips and more acola and am preparing myself to go out for a wander with my misfits in the nice evening light XD Should be a nice sunset from the comfort of my hill I reckonnnn!
Quite a good day and even better because, guess what ?... Tomorrow's Friidddaaayyyy =D
Laters Losersssss XD

John 15:16- You didn't choose me. I chose you. :)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

IGOR IS GAAAAAYYYYY XD... mentioned ya ;o

INJECTION DAY D: ... ouchies my arm aches. Spent ages in the queue which was verrrry boring as I don't really talk to girls and for some strange reason the NHS doesn't seem to care if boys get cervical cancer :S Anyway, I had a choice of the man doing the injection or a lady and I felt bad for the man because I thought most people would choose a Lady over him so went to him and actually I had the least blood this time out of all of them! XD (Practically Nil)
The injection I can handle, it's the lasting pain in the muscle that annoys me, but tis worth it to not get cervical cancer I guess ;o
Hate how so many girls overreact when they go to get their injection, especially as it's the third time now: You do realise you didn't die the first time right ?... The over dramatics of crying and falling to the floor just looks like you're begging for attention and tbh I don't buy what you're selling! XD
HISTORY was AWESOME like usual with Mr Epic Parker :)
(Slightly annoyed that so many lazy people didn't do the homework when I had managed to during the holidays even though it's not like I wanted to, some people just want to do well :D)
Sad to say that my friend Elliot went home ill :( That was the worst part of the day and I hope he is back in ship shape ASAP. (L)
Stayed for revision with Mrs Dunn and that was rather interesting and slightly awkward with Igor making me do all the talking :@ :P
Finally got a lift home off my brother after waiting for ages on the GRREEEENN grass with Igorius, having a picnic :)
Really looking forward to going to my girly cell tonight :D I love the lot of them and I find such pleasure in studying the bible with their faces :) In all cerialness it really is practically the most fun I have all week, except I also love the services on Sundays :D Anything to do with talking about my wondrous Father and I'm made!
I look forward to cell and also hope that tomorrow will be another fun interesting day for me :)

Psalm 100:1-3- Shout for joy to the LORD, all the Earth worship the LORD with gladness; Come before HIM with joyful songs. Know the LORD is GOD.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

School Is Back, Back Again :/

School was okay and I was glad to get some work done in drama at least. PE was epic fail as the wind and sun were against us playing tennis, I don't see their problem. I never did nuffin or nuffin to them! English was just copying stuff down and maths was pip squeak...
Bus was too full to fit Esther on :O shocking if you ask me, had to wait outside in rain for a little bus to come for the spares which was boring as the other people were all younger pupils I didn't know, sept Ryan Comasky! ;o Great :P The bus driver who did eventually come for us was on the phone for a good part of the journey home also so I felt like complaining, and he went the wrong way which thankfully was towards my house so I got off nearer and didn't have to walk as far as usual PTL for that one ! XD
Got home and did quite a lot more chemistry revision than I meant to but that's not really so bad as it's less to do later :P
Going for a wander with my misfits now to distract my mind before I go to sleep :)
Thought I'd leave you with this verse that's on my wall :P
Joshua 1:9- I command you be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go.
Encouraging to know that in these testing times. I trust YOU my GOD in all my life's situations (L)

Monday, 19 April 2010

First Blog: A Small Step For Mankind; A Huge Step For Esther XD

Today has been rather terrible as it is the last day of the holidays so I guess it's inevitable. Haven't done much at all except stress over school tomorrow and all the revision I've just realised I should be doing. Lots to look forward to obviously: exams exams exams :( :P
Found out my mum's operation is same day as my drama exam so rather bummed she won't be there to see it :/
Stressed to high heaven and praying that God will give me the strength to keep on trooping over the next school term :) Can't do it in my own strength can I? ;)
Lucky to have such an awesome Heavenly Father I reckon.
Keep reminding myself that in the whole scope of things my life is not as important as it may feel to me and that even if I were to fail my GCSEs, it would still go on.
Gotta have some optimism but I feel like my whole household is tense with everyone going through something different so it's best not to leave my room.
Wish I had more to do and distractions to keep my mind off of things, but at least it's nearly sleep time.
I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day... :)